"Your account is suspended - We've had to suspend your account because you violated the Google Ad Grants policies. Please read our programme policies and contact us to see if you can fix the issue."
Before you call Google and start screaming down the phone, have you tried reading the updated programme policy? Here's where you're probably going wrong:
You just need to make sure your overall account-level CTR for your enabled keywords is over 5% per month, and that it doesn't fall under 5% for two consecutive months.
Remove keywords with a low CTR.
Remove single-word keywords (excluding your own branded words, recognized medical conditions, and a small number of exception keywords published here)
Remove overly generic keywords like “free videos”, “e-books”, “today's news”.
Remove all keywords with a Quality Score of 1 or 2
Write new ads
Create more ad groups
Add new keywords.
You can add sitelinks at the account, campaign, or ad group level. You specify the link text (what shows to people) and URLs (the pages they click to).
Google sends you an annual Ad Grants program survey and they require your response to participate in the program.
Take the Google Ad Grants survey.